Monday, November 9, 2009

Traveler at the Commissioning of the USS New York

We attended the commissioning of the USS New York on Saturday morning, what an huge honor!

This is the sixth ship to bear the name, the New York. She is made with actual steel from the World Trade Centers and her motto is Strength Forged Through Sacrifice, Never Forget.

Heading off early to the event- the security is really tight!

I think you can let me off here...

First we attended a reception on the USS Intrepid, an aircraft carrier which served in WWII and was hit by Kamikaze planes! The Intrepid is now a wonderful museum.

A jet on the intrepid.

I met this cute little dog- she is a Service Dog! Her name is Millie May and she senses seizures in her owner before they occur. What a smart girl! I spent a great deal of time talking with her...

Outside for the ceremony, there goes the Color Guard!

Hilary Clinton spoke. Hey Girl!

The Secretary of the Navy...

There is Rudy!

My video montage of the day:

What a wonderful and moving day!


Beanie Mouse said...

Oh how brilliant!! Too bad Sally got in your way at the end though...!!

Sullivan McPig said...

Wow! Very cool that you've been so close to a Jet

willson said...

Interesting… I might try some of this on my blog, too. It’s quite interesting how you sometimes stop being innovative and just go for an accepted solution without actually trying to improve it… you make a couple of good points.

trends technology

MCA said...

IT Support UKhand dryers

wow! I wish I could like her. sorry I have not been going so....