Traveler does get some fan mail from time to time, but he has been conversing with adopted Shiloh horse, Carson, for some time now. Normally, I don't see what they are saying, but this email was sent directly to me and I thought you all might like to read it.
Dear Jill,
This is Carson who is concerned about his buddy, Traveler. The pictures of Traveler "close to the water" were OK....I didn't worry...however, I don't trust Sally not to drop Traveler in the briny California know she's not trustworthy since the "Roman episode". Please keep an eye on her so she doesn't "accidentally" drown Traveler. Thank you so much.....and Kathy and Larry wanted me to tell you to have a good time...just be alert...OK??????
XXXXX and OOOOO, Carson
Then I noticed that Travler had used my Blackberry during the night and answered:
Dear Carson,
Tell me about it! Sally said she is taking me "boogie boarding" today. Jill looked quesy when she said it.
I am afraid..
NOOOOOOO!!!!! I can't believe Sally would do that!! She was so nice to me in London, when she took those photos of us!!
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